There are many ways you can create lasting impact through a planned gift.
Planned giving through the Community Foundation allows you to establish a charitable legacy while also providing you with significant financial and tax benefits. Whether your goal is to address the needs in our community or permanently fund a cause or organization, we can offer you guidance, personalized service and local resources to ensure lasting community impact.

Plan now for a gift that will occur later.
We offer a variety of planned giving options for you to consider.
Charitable Bequest – Wills or Trusts
Name the Community Foundation to receive all or a portion of your estate through your will or trust, reducing estate taxes while creating a charitable legacy.
Charitable Gift Annuity
You make a charitable gift and you and/or someone you designate can receive lifetime income. The remainder goes to the Community Foundation designated for a fund in your name or to an existing fund you select upon your passing, potentially reducing and deferring capital gains tax and reducing probate costs and estate taxes.
Charitable Trusts
A charitable lead trust or several types of charitable remainder trusts create valuable options in estate planning by providing tax savings, a significant gift and income for either a charity or family members.
Life Insurance Policies
Naming the Community Foundation as a beneficiary of your insurance policy enables you to create a charitable legacy without invading cash and other assets designated for your heirs.
Life Estate
Give your personal residence, ranch or farm as a gift, occupy the residence or land without disruption, and receive an income tax charitable deduction for the present value of the remainder interest.
Retirement Account Assets
Double taxation on retirement plan withdrawals decreases their value for your heirs. Consider providing other assets to heirs and naming the Community Foundation as the beneficiary of your retirement accounts. You can save taxes and preserve your hard-earned assets for the good of your community.
How Your Planned Gift Becomes A Fund
You may elect today how your planned gift will be used in the community after your lifetime by completing a non-binding Fund Agreement upon meeting with our Vice President for Development and Donor Services. This revocable agreement allows you to name the fund your gift will create, identify any fund advisors, specify your charitable interest areas and even express a desire for anonymity. If you change your mind at any time, we can simply amend the agreement without any costs or legal assistance.
In addition to working with us, we recommend you consult your professional advisor to determine the best vehicle to meet your goals.

Peter and Nettie Wile knew they could make a difference through their philanthropy.
The couple established a charitable gift annuity through Community Foundation of the Lowcountry, which provided them a steady income stream while they were living, along with a number of tax advantages.
After they passed away – Peter in 2001 and Nettie in 2005 – their gift annuity converted to an endowed fund. The Peter and Nettie Wile Endowment Fund continues to provide ongoing charitable support to three organizations that meant a lot to them: Congregation Beth Yam, Volunteers in Medicine and Hospice Care of the Lowcountry.
The Legacy Society recognizes the following individuals and couples who have generously made provisions in their estate plans to establish a charitable legacy through the Community Foundation.
- Mrs. Opal Abbink
- Mr. and Mrs. James M. Adamovitz
- Mrs. Sarah R. Ahrendt*
- Mr. and Mrs.* James J. Allhusen
- Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ames
- Anonymous
- Mr. W. James Ballantyne, Jr.*
- Mr. Stu Baumann
- Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Black
- Ms. Judith Blake*
- Ms. Juliann Bluitt Foster*
- Mr. and Mrs. David Borghesi
- Mrs. Joyce A. Braude
- Mr. and Mrs. W. Earl Brooks*
- Mr. William E. Brown Jr.*
- Mr. Paul Capron and Mrs. Joan E. Deery
- Ms. Shirley Caputo*
- Mrs. George Carmody
- Mr. Lynn S. Castner and Ms. Deonne Parker
- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Condit*
- Mr. and Mrs. David Crespan
- Mr. and Mrs. William L. Dix
- Mrs. James G. Downward*
- Mrs. Marion M. Dutcher*
- Mr. and Mrs. John Eagan*
- Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Edwards
- Mr. and Mrs. James L. Elder
- Mrs. Dorothy M. Falconer*
- Ms. Ramona Fantini Jacobs
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Gerken*
- Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gilbert
- Ms. Janet K. Godfrey
- Mr. and Mrs. Merle J. Graham*
- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Gregg, Jr.
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gutheil*
- Ms. Viola Hedeman*
- Mr.* and Mrs. Larry D. Heichel
- Mr. Curtiss S. Hitchcock*
- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Hoffmann, Jr.
- Mrs. Dianne Hopstetter
- Mr. and Mrs. David T. Houston*
- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hughes
- Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Izer
- Mr. G. David Jones
- Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel B. P. Jones
- Ms. Ruth Kiefer*
- Ms. Connie Koengeter
- Ms. Virginia L. Kozak
- Mr. Robert E. Krommes*
- Mr. and Mrs. James L. Krum*
- Ms. Cynthia Lowe and Mr. Glenn Sutherland
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundy*
- Ms. Sheila Mahony
- Mr. Matthew M. Malock and Mr. William J. Whittaker, III
- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marks
- Mr.* and Mrs. Robert S. Matchett
- Mr. and Mrs. George M. Minot*
- Mr.* and Mrs. Richard Moore
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Morris
- Ms. Carol L. Mulhall
- Mr.* and Mrs. Raymond Mullaney
- Ms. Nancy M. Nelson
- Ms. Mary E. Noonan
- Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell O'Sheill*
- Mrs. Helen Payne
- Ms. Maureen Pesce*
- Mr. and Mrs. Halford J. Pope*
- Ms. Katherine Provick
- Mrs. Mary Rawlings
- Mr. Gerald W. Richards
- Mr. and Mrs. George Rowan*
- Ms. Carolyn Shamlin
- Mr. and Mrs. George M. Simson*
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spaulding
- Ms. Denise K. Spencer
- Ms. Nancy Sypniewski
- Mr. and Mrs. William J. Tandy*
- Mr. and Mrs. Jules S. Tarlow*
- Mr. and Mrs. John D. Taylor*
- Mr. Daniel A. Tweel
- Ms. Lynn Underwood
- Mr. and Mrs. Lowell H. Van Epp*
- Ms. Euline H. Van Vactor*
- Mr. and Mrs. Benard von Hoffmann*
- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Warth
- Ms. Linda Watson
- Mr. and Mrs. Wade J. Webster
- Mr. and Mrs. David Wetmore
- Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Wile*
- Drs. Barry and Barbara Wright
- Ms. Katherine Zalusky

Want to know more?
If you'd like to learn more about creating a legacy through planned giving, call us at 843.681.9100 or email Emmy Rooney.