PEARLS of Hampton County awards grants to nonprofit organizations in Hampton County. Annual membership dues support grant funding and operational dollars for group events.
PEARLS members get involved in a variety of activities:
- Coming together with other community-minded women to share ideas.
- Supporting and engaging in activities that strengthen our community.
- Playing a leadership role in the initiative by serving on a committee.
- Learning about the philanthropic potential of women.
- Engaging in educational events that inform you about the needs of nonprofit organizations in the community.
- Mentoring programs to encourage younger women and girls to be successful, community-minded individuals.
Interesting in joining? Our membership brochure provides additional information.
Read our most recent newsletter.

PEARLS Girls is one of PEARLS of Hampton County’s most cherished programs. Established in 2011, PEARLS' Girls is a mentoring program for fifth and sixth grade girls. Girls are selected for membership through teacher and guidance counselor recommendations.
PEARLS of Hampton County members, along with parents and guardians, provide mentorship, focusing on education, practicing life skills, learning what teamwork is all about, experiencing new and fun things together and just reaching out beyond Hampton County.
PEARLS Grantmaking
Individual grants typically range from $500 to $3,000, with approximately $9,000 total given annually
One grant per 12-month period
To be eligible for funding, an applicant must:
- Be a nonprofit agency with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status or equivalent (church, school, government agency) under the Internal Revenue code.
- Demonstrate measurable project outcomes for PEARLS selected area of focus.
- Submit grant requests that help launch new programs or enhance existing programs and projects in Hampton County.
Generally request for the following will NOT be considered:
- Building organizational capacity
- Personnel and/or office expenses
- Religious activities (Although faith-based groups are encouraged to apply, to be considered for funding the projects must reflect nondiscriminatory practices.)
- Political activities or organizations
- Grants directly to individuals
- Endowments
- Annual fundraising campaigns and special events or fundraisers
The deadline date for the next grant cycle will be announced later this year. Please check back regularly.
For a look at the first decade of PEARLS grantmaking, read the History of PEARLS Grantmaking.
Advisory Board Members
Peggy Grill - Chair
Rhonda Willis - Immediate Past Chair
Latoya Robinson
Sharon Shealy
Becky Young

Membership in PEARLS
If you are interested in becoming a member of PEARLS of Hampton County, please download the membership brochure or contact Debbie Cahoon at dcahoon@cf-lowcountry.org