Scholarship Application Portal
Click here to enter the online scholarship portal.
Most of our scholarships require an online application. You will find a link to the portal above. Please read the following instructions prior to clicking the link to ensure your ability to apply for all scholarship(s) for which you are eligible.
For New Applicants
Please read all scholarship criteria carefully to determine which scholarships you are eligible for.
Applications must be submitted online by the posted deadline date. If you are applying for more than one Community Foundation of the Lowcountry scholarship, you must submit a separate application for each scholarship.
Our application process starts with filling out a universal application. Your answers to the questions on this common application will determine which of the scholarships you're eligible for and will provide supplemental questions for each of those scholarships. Some of our scholarships have individual applications.
All scholarship applications are available on our online portal. Make sure you carefully review the instructions. Also, be certain to complete and submit all financial information for scholarships that consider need to determine the recipient OR the amount of the award. You will find instructions in the portal.
Scholarship selection committees are not obligated to consider applications that are incomplete, do not meet the stated eligibility requirements, or are received after the posted due date.
You will be required to create an account using your email address. Use an email address that you will continue to have access to. This will be the way you access the account if you receive an award, and for any future awards.
In some cases, you may apply using an access code. Where relevant, codes are available on the detailed information of a scholarship's page.
After creating an account in the portal, you will be directed to your applicant dashboard. Click “Apply.” You will be directed to the application screen. Some scholarships will require an “Eligibility Quiz” or an “Access Code.” Read the instructions in the portal to determine the appropriate eligibility quiz to take. If you fail the eligibility quiz for a scholarship you have determined you should be eligible for, contact Community Foundation staff at 843.681.9100.
If you meet the criteria for more than one scholarship, you can access additional applications by clicking on the “Home” icon. From the applicant dashboard, click “Apply” to open additional applications.
Most of our scholarships require transcripts and letters of reference. For each, you will need to provide an email address for the person who will be sending the information. Instructions are available in each application.
If you have questions or need technical assistance, please call 843.681.9100 and ask for Lisa.
For Returning Applicants
If you are a returning applicant, applying for a scholarship you have received in the past, please contact Lisa for instructions on the re-application process. Most scholarship re-applicants will not complete an eligibility quiz or enter a code. The majority of our re-applications will be assigned as a “follow-up” to the original application.
It is your responsibility to complete this follow-up application prior to the deadline date. If you have any questions about the re-application process, please call Lisa at 843.681.9100.