Grants Available Through Application
Impact Grants
Impact Grants are competitive grants in excess of $10,000. The purpose of these grants is to stimulate and help launch new programs or projects, help focus, enhance and/or expand on existing programs and services; or provide an investment in a large capital project that is a critical enhancement to the mission of the nonprofit organization. Our committee evaluates applications based on impact the project or program has on the Lowcountry. These grants are for organizations that support those who live and/or work in southern Beaufort County.
Opportunity Grants
Opportunity Grants are competitive grants for projects, programs or capital expenditures that are $10,000 or less. These grants mirror our larger Impact Grants, with the exception of geographic restrictions. Organizations within our four-county service area are encouraged to apply for Opportunity Grants.
Organizational Development Grants
Organizational Development Grants offer support for nonprofits to retain a consultant to help strengthen their organization, increasing their capacity to govern and achieve long term sustainability.
Thinking of applying for a grant?
If you're ready to apply for a grant, please visit our Grant Portal.
Please remember to read all of the grantmaking sections on this website. Some of our grant opportunities require a code to access the grant application and many require attendance at an Impact Information Session.
If you have additional questions, contact the Community Investment Office at 843-681-9100.

Grantmaking funds at Community Foundation of the Lowcountry
In addition to the grants available through our application process, a number of our individual funds practice grantmaking. Each has its own timeline and application process.