Great Things Will Be Accomplished
When a group of individuals joins together to pool their knowledge, their commitment to positive change and their resources, amazing things can be accomplished. Members of giving circles put their charitable dollars into a pooled fund and decide, as a group, which charities to support through their grantmaking. Many times these grants are determined by a specific area of focus, which can change from year to year.

Our Foundation's Giving Circles
Women in Philanthropy (Beaufort County) and PEARLS of Hampton County, have each generated positive change and continue to support efforts important to their communities. The Jasper Community Fund, while not a true giving circle, is overseen by an advisory council comprised of community leaders. It awards grants that support projects addressing the county’s current and future needs.

Interesting in learning more about our Giving Circles?
Contact Debbie Cahoon
Women in Philanthropy
Contact Lisa Hodge