The Ekedahl Center for Nonprofit Excellence offers a variety of workshops for nonprofit leaders, staff, and board members.

Board Development

The Ekedahl Center for Nonprofit Excellence is offering half-day workshops on Board Development for interested nonprofit organizations. This workshop will be facilitated by Neil Sklarew, MBA, MS I/O Psychology (formerly with Georgia Center for Nonprofits. It will provide nonprofit agencies a blue print for how to develop their board to improve its governance and strategic role. 

In this workshop, participants will do the following:

  1. Define their current and desired governance model
  2. Clarify the board's governance and strategic focus
  3. Analyze the board's current structure for possible reorganization
  4. Review the board's staffing to determine recruitment needs
  5. Examine the working relationships between board leadership and the executive director

Leading Nonprofit Staff 

Leadership is defined as “Getting work done with and through other people.” If you are a nonprofit leader who manages one or more staff this workshop will provide you with the understanding of your orientation as a leader, two models and two processes to enhance your performance-focused leadership. 

  1. You will learn how to use yourself more effectively by better integration of these behavioral polarities.
  2. You will be exposed various models on how to work more effectively with staff as a leader and as a resolver of differences with others.
  3. You will learn how to apply processes for clarifying the role boundary between you and your staff and how to effectively assign tasks to them.

Interpersonal Relationship Management Workshop (FIRO-B)

Are you a leader in your organization who manages one or more staff?  Do you engage extensively with other staff throughout your organization or with individuals in the community?  Would you like to better understand how you work with others one-on-one or in teams?  

If any of these apply to you, then join us for a workshop on the Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation-Behavior (FIRO-B.) This workshop is based on a comprehensive and widely used theory of interpersonal relations that provides a three-dimensional view of interpersonal behavior. 

In the workshop you will:

  1. Complete the FIRO-B questionnaire as pre-work
  2. Learn the FIRO-B theory 
  3. Understand your FIRO-B scores and your interpersonal style
  4. Engage in small group discussions on your style's strengths and challenges
  5. Establish a personal development goal for enhanced interpersonal relationships

To learn more about Workshops, please contact Debbie Cahoon at 843-681-8100 or