As experts in philanthropy and the region, we're in a unique position to offer support as you work with your clients.
- Devise charitable strategies that help your clients make informed decisions
- Structure a gift agreement that meets your client’s charitable goals
- Manage the transfer of various gifts – securities, real estate, promissory notes
- Provide language for bequests and other deferred gifts
- Serve as a trustee of charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts
- Provide tax deduction and life income illustrations for planned giving vehicles.

We’re here to help you and your clients find solutions and manage the tasks associated with charitable giving.
We’ll work with you and donors – including individuals, families, companies, private foundations and nonprofits – to facilitate the process through customized services that make charitable giving easier and more rewarding.
We help you strengthen client relationships.
Our knowledgeable staff can help answer all your clients’ questions regarding the creation of charitable funds, like:
- Why create a charitable fund rather than making an outright gift to charity?
- What are the tax advantages of creating a charitable fund?
- How can I leave something for my children and also give something to charity?
We can devise charitable strategies that help your clients make informed decisions.
It’s easy to start a fund. We’ll meet with you and your client to determine the type of fund that best fits their needs, develop the fund’s mission and the fund’s name.
We handle all the administrative services, including accounting, auditing, financial management, due diligence, grantmaking and evaluation, so your clients can concentrate on grantmaking.
We offer a variety of investment options and expertise that provide strong investment performance. Our investment committee, comprised of local financial experts, oversees the Community Foundation’s investments. Each fund is pooled and invested as part of the Community Foundation’s total assets, resulting in lower management fees, greater investment diversification and minimized investment risk. We’re committed to a total return investment philosophy to ensure the ongoing viability of funds.
Clients get personalized service from our highly experienced staff. We help your clients define their goals and bring their philanthropic missions to life. Many of your clients may already be donating to nonprofit organizations – we can help them create a plan to achieve greater impact.
We can help with complex gifts. We’re experts at accepting complex or non-traditional assets and can help transform them into a charitable resource to help alleviate some of the tax ramifications.
Consider the economies of scale. All our funds are pooled for investment, providing a diversified portfolio with low management fees. We offer superior cost effectiveness, strong investment returns and the tax benefits of a large public charity.

Your clients look to you for up-to-date tax and estate planning expertise.
Now look to us for guidance as you work with your clients to practice charitable giving that helps them reach their philanthropic goals. Call us at 843.681.9100 or contact Emmy Rooney at erooney@cf-lowcountry.org.