CF of the Lowcountry | Return on Investment

In the Community

Return on Investment

February 08, 2010
Some of the buzz on the street has always been about where can you get a good return on your investments?

Some of the buzz on the street has always been about where can you get a good return on your investments? Who has the best interest rates? Who provides the strongest dividends? How can you get your money to work harder? What if I told you that there are several current opportunities through the Community Foundation for you to receive a return on investment of over 100%?!?

Jasper Community Fund – A committed group of Jasper County leaders have developed an endowment fund, under the auspices of the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry, which will provide a permanent source of grantmaking dollars to support charitable efforts in Jasper County. They have also created a membership model, wherein an annual gift of $100 to the fund makes the donor a “member” and puts you on the inside of a very exciting effort to improve the quality of life in Jasper County. But what is even more exciting is that for every dollar raised for this fund between now and December 31, 2010 (to a maximum of $30,000), an additional dollar will be contributed to the fund by the Community Foundation. In addition, of course, these dollars are all invested for growth with the Community Foundation’s pooled investments, and will continue to raise additional resources. So…invest $100 in Jasper County…this raises another $100 for Jasper County…these dollars are all invested to raise MORE dollars for Jasper County…and then over time, grantmaking to invest in Jasper County nonprofits will occur. Even I can see that we’re talking about a return on investment of more than 100%!

Greater Bluffton Community Endowment Fund – There are many talented, mission-driven folks in the Lowcountry, and Bluffton is no exception. In an effort similar to the one that has begun in Jasper County, the Community Foundation along with Bluffton leaders have created an endowment with a purpose of creating a grantmaking source specific to the Greater Bluffton area. And once again, to help them with their effort, the Community Foundation has provided up to $30,000 in dollar-for-dollar matching money through June 30, 2011 (they got a later start than Jasper). So if you have a particular interest in the Bluffton area, invest and multiply your returns by over 100%!

PEARLS of Hampton County Endowment Fund – The PEARLS (Philanthropic Empowerment Among Rural Lowcountry Sisters) is a women’s giving circle started by the Community Foundation that is raising an endowment to support grantmaking in Hampton County. Hampton County is obviously rural and has a significant poverty level; resources to support area nonprofits are few but critically needed. Hampton County women are welcome to join PEARLS (annual dues are $200), but anyone interested in supporting this effort can make a contribution of any size. And, surprise, surprise, the Community Foundation is again matching up to $30,000 in new contributions—whether from dues or unrestricted contributions.

Women in Philanthropy – The Community Foundation established Women in Philanthropy in 2003. Since its founding, this fund, led by a group of very talented women, has contributed more than $40,000 into the Beaufort County community. They are currently undertaking a major membership campaign, with membership dues being a minimum of $250 annually. So, the Community Foundation has agreed to match membership dues of $250 for each new member up to 80 members (through June 30, 2011)! So, if you are a woman living in Beaufort County who would like to join a group of movers and shakers and more than double your investment in the charitable needs of the area, consider joining Women in Philanthropy.

Each of these efforts is described in detail on the Community Foundation’s Web site under “LEARN” and contributions can be made through the “Donate Online” section of the site. And remember: each of these efforts is further enhanced through the support and expertise of the Community Foundation staff, board, and volunteers—further expanding the return on investment. Time is marching on, and there is a time limit on each of these matching opportunities.

So, since every day matters, consider how quickly you might be able to choose your favorite option and take advantage of these superior investment returns!

Denise K. Spencer

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