Community Foundation News
Community Foundation of the Lowcountry Awards Almost $217,000 In Grants to Five Local Organizations
December 04, 2017In its third competitive grant cycle of 2017, Community Foundation of the Lowcountry has awarded $216,995 in grants to five local organizations. Since January 2017 the Community Foundation has awarded $479,726 in competitive grants to local nonprofits. Grantees are:
- Bluffton Self Help - $87,654 over two years to create a community education and resource center. The center provide access to employment, life skills, technolog
y and job skill training, giving Lowcountry residents access to business services and computers.
- Lowcountry Legal Volunteers - $51,100 to hire an additional attorney. On average, Lowcountry Legal Volunteers has had to turn away 27 clients per year, due to not enough attorneys on staff. An additional attorney will allow the nonprofit to serve more low-income clients.
- OSPREY Village - $11,000 to train clients how to utilize Uber for their transportation needs. OSPREY Village serves clients with developmental disabilities.
- Second Helpings - $15,000 to hire a temporary, part-time contract employee to set up a donor software program and develop a utilization plan.
- University of South Carolina – Beaufort - $52,250 to purchase simulation equipment to expand their nursing program.