Community Foundation News
Lowcountry Affordable Housing Symposium Wrap Up
December 15, 2023
The symposium’s agenda included presentations and discussions on the current state of affordable housing in the Lowcountry. We had a full house for the event, which was coordinated by the recently formed Lowcountry Affordable Housing Partners Group. The group consists of regional municipal housing representatives, area chambers of commerce, philanthropic organizations, and housing nonprofits.
Featured speakers included Senator Tom Davis, SC District 46; Dr. Joey Von Nessen, USC Darla Moore School of Business; Lee Ann Watson, General Counsel of South Carolina Housing; and panels of both commercial and nonprofit housing developers.
Affordable housing is the number one issue facing Lowcountry residents, businesses, organizations, and employers.
For the comprehensive Lowcountry Affordable Housing Symposium PowerPoint presentation, please click here