CF of the Lowcountry | COVID-19 Grants Continue: $42,700 Granted to…

Grants Announcement

COVID-19 Grants Continue: $42,700 Granted to Four Local Nonprofits

May 28, 2020
Four nonprofits located in Beaufort, Hampton and Colleton counties will be able to increase their help for local residents who are affected by the coronavirus.

Four Lowcountry nonprofit organizations will received $42,700 in grants to address COVID-19-related community needs. This brings the total awarded from the Lowcountry Community COVID-19 Response Fund to more than $374,500.

Community Foundation of the Lowcountry established the Lowcountry Community COVID-19 Response Fund in mid-March to rapidly deploy funds to nonprofit organizations addressing the needs of individuals and families struggling from the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the fifth round of grants awarded since early April. The 26 organizations are located in Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper counties.

A grants advisory committee, comprised of community leaders from Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper Counties, reviews the grant applications. The following organizations have received grants in this fifth round of grantmaking:

Greater Faith International Ministries: to provide food and shelter for Hampton County residents who have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Edisto Indian Free Clinic: for cleaning and disinfecting costs and/or PPE to maintain a healthy clinic for low-income patients in Colleton County.

Neighborhood Outreach Connection: to provide rental assistance for member families in Southern Beaufort County who are unemployed or underemployed as a result of the coronavirus.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Holy Family Conference: for rental and/or utility assistance for Southern Beaufort County residents who are unemployed or underemployed as a result of COVID19.

Because fallout from the pandemic will be ongoing, the Lowcountry Community COVID-19 Response Fund is still accepting donations. If you’d like to make a tax-exempt donation to the Lowcountry Community COVID-19 Response Fund, you can do so by visiting the Community Foundation’s home page at or by going to the fund’s donation landing page at

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