Grants Announcement
Four Hilton Head Island Nonprofits Receive Final Distribution of HUD COVID Funding
February 25, 2021
The funds come from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grants the Town of Hilton Head Island received last year. The grants are earmarked to assist low- to moderate-income families affected by COVID-19.
The Town partnered with Community Foundation of the Lowcountry to grant these funds to nonprofit organizations assisting Hilton Head Island residents. More than $730,000 has been distributed and the fund is now depleted.
The four nonprofits receiving grants include:
Boys & Girls Club of Hilton Head Island received $4,739 for cleaning expenses and PPE.
The Children’s Center was awarded $18,482 for tuition assistance for students from low- to moderate-income families on Hilton Head Island whose families must quarantine due to COVID exposure. Additionally, the grant dollars will offset lost tuition revenue during COVID-related closure.
The Hilton Head Island Deep Well Project received $16,000 to be paid directly to landlords or utility providers on behalf of Hilton Head Island residents who meet income requirements.
Sandalwood Community Food Pantry was awarded $16,000 for food and PPE to be distributed to low- to moderate-income residents of Hilton Head Island.